Disclaimer & Safety Tips

  • Verdure Agro Stores will not be responsible for users’ actions, behaviors, or interactions with other users, including any disputes or agreements between them.


·       We are not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or quality of content created or shared by users, such as product listings, reviews, or comments.

·       We may not be liable for transactions or interactions with third-party sellers, partners, or service providers, including any issues related to the products or services they offer.

·       Verdure Agro Stores disclaims responsibility for any loss or harm caused by data breaches, hacking, or unauthorized access to user accounts, provided the platform has implemented reasonable security measures.

·       We are not responsible for temporary website outages, maintenance, or technical issues that may disrupt user access to the platform.

·       This platform typically does not guarantee the quality, safety, or legality of products or services listed on the platform, as this responsibility often falls on the sellers or service providers.

·       This eMarket reserves the right to change its policies, terms of use, and features without prior notice, and users are responsible for keeping up with these changes.




·       Do not pay any seller in advance.

·       Try to meet in a safe location and at appropriate time.

·       Pay after collecting the product.